Scientific Programme

Abstract Book (pdf)


TUESDAY, 21.5.2024


Arrival, Registration at Tampere Hall


SITE VISIT to Zebra Fish & Drosophila units at Tampere University (departure from Tampere Hall at 12:45)


Workshop 1, Riffi:
Score sheets as a tool in pain assessment (Jussi Helppi, Hanna-Marja Voipio)


Workshop 2, Riffi:
Improve your refinement skills in a case lab (Anna Meller, Karoliina Alm)


Tampere City Reception

WEDNESDAY, 22.5.2024

Plenary session, Small auditorium


Opening of the Conference


Karl Johan Öbrink memorial lecture
Chair: Siri Knudsen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)

Hannes Lohi (University of Helsinki):
Hunting new genes and mechanisms of human disease with the help of man’s best friends – dogs and cats


 Chair: Sakari Laaksonen (University of Oulu)

Henna-Kaisa Wigren (University of Helsinki): 
Considering species-specific sleep-wake patterns in research: from cells to social structure 


COFFEE Exhibition area

Session 1
Duetto 1
Session 2
Duetto 2
Commercial presentations


Aging and Laboratory Animals

Chair: Erika Roman (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) 


Jukka Jolkkonen (University of Eastern Finland):
Aging rodents in stroke research


Sira Karvinen (University of Jyväskylä): 
Can we tackle the adverse health effects of hormonal aging with animal models?


Emrah Yatkin (University of Turku): 
Health notification system as a tool to record and identify health issues in a rodent facility


General Discussion 

Optimizing handling and environment
Chair: Otto Kalliokoski (University of Copenhagen)


Anna Meller (University of Helsinki): 
Optimizing the refinement tools, housing, and handling of laboratory rats – search for a harmonized solution


Vootele Voikar (University of Helsinki): 
Optimizing the housing conditions of laboratory mice - harmonizing biomedical research and animal welfare


Talk sponsored by Scanbur:
Louise Piilgaard (University of Copenhagen):
The best of two worlds: Invasive and non-invasive approaches to unveil narcolepsy Type I in mouse models of narcolepsy  


Bob Davis (OPEND / Gruenberg Dry Heat Sterilizers):
Dry Heat Sterilization in vivariums – An alternative option for sterilization in the lab animal facility 


Adriaan Schmal (UNO BV): Inhalation Anaesthesia: Best practices for welfare and avoiding occupational risks


LUNCH Exhibition area


Using Zebrafish in biomedical research
Chair: Brian Mphande (University of Tampere)


Jan Kaslin (University of Tampere & Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, Monash University):
Regrow with the flow: force and flow regulate neural progenitor quiescence following spinal cord injury 


Maria Sundvik (University of Helsinki): 
Zebrafish as a model organism in behavioral neuroscience


Ilkka Paatero (University of Turku): 
Zebrafish models for cardiovascular biology and intravital imaging


Laura Oksa (University of Tampere): 
Modelling of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in zebrafish


General Discussion 

Scand-LAS Education and Training Committee: It’s all about training
Chair: Lene Gorm Pedersen (Roskilde Technical College, Denmark)


Åsa Holmberg Wenell (Karolinska Institute): 
Practical training without and with animals - from dummies to live animals


Stine Drent Larsen (Novo Nordisk):
Training of animals to participate and the construction of a training set up 


Lene Gorm Pedersen (Roskilde Technical College, Denmark): Visitors program update 


Poll & Discussion  



Georges Hasson (OPEND / SAFE):
Diets in protocols – key points to consider. Discussion about 2 possible drift sources: Phytoeostrogens and Mycotoxins 


Robin Labesse (OPEND / Allentown):
Improved and ergonomical rat handling 


COFFEE Exhibition area


Scand-LAS Annual meeting, Duetto 1


Insights in wild animal research
Chair: Esa Koskela (University of Jyväskylä)


Jenni Prokkola (Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)):
Wild fish as experimental animals: research and conservation viewpoints     


Elmo Miettinen (Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)):
GPS-tracking of wild boar (Sus scrofa) – room for refinement?


Liisa Hämäläinen (University of Jyväskylä):  
Using wild birds as model predators to study predator-prey coevolution


Siri Knudsen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences):
Is the EC Educational and Training Framework adapted for wildlife researchers?  

Facility and quality management
Chair: Peter Bollen (University of Copenhagen)


Emrah Yatkin (University of Turku):
Quality management systems and accreditation standards in laboratory animal research facilities


Jussi Helppi (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden):
Strategic quality assessment: A multi-level feedback system for improved management of animal facilities


Jukka Puoliväli (Charles River Laboratories, Kuopio):
How to reduce cumulative suffering during the whole study cycle?


Peter Kesa (FujiFilm Visual Sonics):
Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging forming the backbone for 3R 


Exhibitors’ Evening

THURSDAY, 23.5.2024

Plenary session, Small auditorium


 Chair: Hanna-Marja Voipio (University of Oulu)

Merja Voutilainen (University of Helsinki):
Novel approaches for treating neurodegenerative diseases


 Chair: Hanna-Marja Voipio (University of Oulu)

Axel K Hansen (University of Copenhagen):
The impact of the microbiome on animal models – an overview


COFFEE Exhibition area

Session 1
Duetto 1
Session 2
Duetto 2
Commercial presentations


Microbiome matters!
Chair: Axel K. Hansen (University of Copenhagen)


Harri Alenius (University of Helsinki):
Microbe-host interactions in human diseases and their modeling in experimental animals


Suvi Ruuskanen (University of Jyväskylä):
The role of the gut microbiome in temperature adaptations in birds


Esa Koskela (University of Jyväskylä):
Does the biodiversity hypothesis matter for wildlife health? Exposure effects of urban and pristine forest soils on wild rodent microbiome  

Pain recognition and management
Chair: Klas Abelson (University of Copenhagen)


Ann-Helena Hokkanen (University of Helsinki):
Understanding signs of pain in laboratory animals


Niina Jalava (Orion Pharma):
Human pain mimicked through an animal pain-like responses?


Sara Hestehave (University of Copenhagen):
Calling for early management of joint pain: Early weight bearing deficit in joint disease predicts hypersensitivity and comorbid depressive-like behavior in late disease stages 


Harikrishnan Sreelatha (Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, India):
Analgesic treatment of rats subjected to spinal cord injury using conventional laminectomy: Effects on well-being and functional outcome  


Giorgio Rosati (Scanbur / Tecniplast):
Advancing vivarium efficiency and animal welfare through digitalization: A operational evaluation of the DVC® System 



LUNCH Exhibition area


Finnish 3R Centre
Chair: Adrian Smith (Norecopa)


Vootele Voikar (University of Helsinki): 
Finnish 3R Center - finding place in national and international 3Rs landscape


Dario Greco (University of Tampere):
Integrated approaches for chemical safety assessment and drug discovery


Pirjo Laakkonen (University of Helsinki):
Peptide-based brain tumour targeting


Sabine Bischoff (Jena University Hospital, Germany):
Reflection on critical incidents leads to a good error culture and strengthens the culture of care for animal and human wellbeing  

Health monitoring; do we still need animals?
Chair: Emrah Yatkin (University of Turku)


Massimo Foa (IDEXX_BioAnalytics):
Sponsored by Idexx BioAnalytics
Microbiological monitoring of rodents: past, present and future


Alistair Thompson (Surrey Diagnostics):
Sponsored by Surrey Diagnostics
New advances in laboratory animal health monitoring  


Varpu Laine (University of Turku):
How we have changed from sentinel to sentinel-free health monitoring in Turku?


Urte Jaeh and Lars Friis Mikkelsen (Charles River):
Science & Care through the lens of the 4Rs 


Andy Dickinson (Envigo RMS B.V):
Health Monitoring – comparing apples with oranges 


COFFEE Exhibition area




Short communications from Abstracts
Chairs: Katarina Cvek (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) & Sara Persson (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)


Jenny Berrio (University of Copenhagen):
Challenging the old ways: a call to rethink behavioral methods


Fabienne Ferrera (ConScienceTrain):
Retention and job satisfaction in animal research – what can we learn for creating an institutional culture of care?  


Maja Ramløse (Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs A/S):
Social Housing of Göttingen Minipigs 


Agathe Cambier (Etisense):
3Rs benefits for cardiorespiratory and activity monitoring in rats using jacketed external telemetry? – Review of evidence 


Layung Wikanthi (AstraZeneca, Sweden):
Improved memory and lower stress levels in male mice co-housed with ovariectomized female mice  


Gina Hyberg (AstraZeneca, Sweden):
Detection of male-mouse incompatibility in research studies using an automated in-home cage monitoring system (the TRACK-system) 


Nadine Sündermann (ZOONLAB GmbH, Germany):
The iMouse System – A visual method for standardized digital data acquisition reduces severity levels in animal-based studies 


Andrew Smith (Benchling):
Digital transformation: Connecting in vivo teams to the wider R&D ecosystem  


General discussion 

Pandemics, Biosafety & Occupational Health
Chair: David Arney (Estonian University of Life Sciences)


Laura Kakkola (University of Turku):
Zoonotic epidemics and pandemics: what, from where, and how to be prepared? 


Tarja Sironen (University of Helsinki:
Animal models in response to COVID-19 and highly pathogenic avian influenza 


Kirsi Aaltonen (University of Helsinki): 
Animal experiments in a bio safety level 3 laboratory – practice and occupational safety



Gala Dinner

FRIDAY, 24.5.2024

Session 1
Small Auditorium
Session 2


 Chair: Pirjo Laakkonen (University of Helsinki)

Sarka Lehtonen (University of Eastern Finland):
Human cell-based models to study neurodegeneration

Engagement of animal technicians in research
Chair: Johanna Åhlgren (University of Helsinki)


Hajnalka Nádai (Experimentica Ltd., Kuopio): 
The link between management, communication, culture of care and the individual through the eyes of the designated veterinarian


Lauri Elsilä (University of Helsinki): 
Research form – a text-based communication channel supporting culture of care


Varpu Laine (University of Turku):
Animal Welfare Body at the University of Turku, Central Animal Laboratory: effective communication through focus groups    


Karoliina Alm (University of Helsinki):
Kick-off meetings a a tool to improve communication 


General Discussion 


Chair: Pirjo Laakkonen (University of Helsinki)

Otto Kalliokoski (University of Copenhagen):
How common are fraudulent animal studies and how do they impact us?


COFFEE Exhibition area

Plenary session, Small auditorium


 Chair: Vootele Voikar (University of Helsinki)

Stuart Peirson (University of Oxford):
The importance of light: From vision to circadian rhythms & sleep



Image: Visit Tampere / Laura Vanzo

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